The chicken jaco and john scofeild chord chart
The chicken jaco and john scofeild chord chart

the chicken jaco and john scofeild chord chart

This type of work is where you develop your vocabulary and is encompasses most of our work in a jazz improvisation class. Anything that you might ever need to play creative and inspiring jazz must be worked on here, including sound, pitch, time, range, dynamics, breath control, finger dexterity, extended techniques, and anything else that you will help you excel on your instrument.Ģ.


This is the time where you learn how to use your tools and perfect your technique. I cannot over-stress the importance of this part of your practice, particularly in the early stages of your musical development. Listen to almost all great jazz players (especially those of the modern era) and you will notice one thing in common – they all play their instrument extremely well. This is the bread and butter of your practice routine, and is the first thing that you practice every day. The four steps for learning to play jazz are: 1. Like any other art form, it can be reduced to a few simple, structured guidelines to focus your mind and body, and let your creative spirit soar where it may. How to Learn Jazz Contrary to what many people believe, learning to play jazz is not a mystical or unusually complicated process. How to Practice Jazz Major Scales and Arpeggios Mixolydian and Dorian Scales Melodic Minor Scales and Arpeggios The Blues Blues Heads Blues Piano Comping Blues Bass Lines Blues Scales Modes of the Major Scale Modes of the Melodic Minor Scale Herbie Hancock - Cantaloupe Island Cantaloupe Island Piano and Bass Tools for Improvisation Pentatonic Scales Miles Davis - Milestones The ii-V7-I ii-V7-I Licks and Patterns ii-V7-I Progressions Digital Patterns John Coltrane’s Solo on Giant Steps Minor ii-V7-I’s Diminished and Augmented Scales Dealing with Complicated Chords Circle of 4ths How to Read Chord Symbols How to Learn Tunes How to Transcribe from a Recording Most Significant Jazz Recordings Important Jazz Musicians Tunes to Know Internet Resources Performing Arts Institute 2006 Copyright 2006 Alex Noppe.

The chicken jaco and john scofeild chord chart